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Ronjini Joshua

Ronjini Joshua's Articles

18 Posts
Ronjini Joshua
Ep.1 : The importance of strategic PR

Uncover the secrets of effective PR strategy and why you need it.


Ottonomy leads the autonomous robot revolution through PR engagement.


Elevating the profile of a global tech non-profit.


Launching the loudest bluetooth speaker.


STEM Kits for Kids Holiday Campaign


Establishing thought leadership, brand and elevating industry research.

OneClock Success Story - Silver Telegram

Learn how we helped promote an analog product review program for digital times.

The State of Tech

This is a challenging time for startups where funding is scarce and investors are looking for quick-to-market revenue opportunities. The 2024 "State of Tech" white paper provides an in-depth analysis of the latest trends, data, and insights driving the global technology industry. In this report, you can gain

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